Leaving Sugar Mountain on Bitchute
"Pet Care Playlist"

A Guide to Toxic Food & Plants from WA Pet Project!
This video contains a photographic Update to the WA Pet Project Adoption Day that was held on the 3rd October 2020.
The WA Pet Project had on display a number of laminated Information Cards and this “Guide to Toxic Food & Plants” is a reading of those Materials which we think is very useful for Carers/Guardians.
Save The Animals Pet Rescue
Save The Animals Pet Rescue in Western Australia is a video highlighting the Impact of Family and Domestic Violence on Pets.
We Show Case Two No Kill Pet Rescue Services that provide help for Low Income Families & Provide Information to Destigmatise Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
1. Perth Rescue Angels Inc: www.perthrescueangels.org
2. WA Pet Project: www.wapetproject.com.au
For more information about LGBT Domestic Violence Please go to the HIV Consumer Alliance of Western Australia www.Facebook.com/ConsumerAllianceWA
#SaveTheAnimals #NoKillPetRescue #EndLGBTDomesticViolenceNow
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus FIV 1
This is a reading of a information brochure on the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus #FIV by the #EasternHillsVet Clinic from:
Thanks to the #WAPetProject for sending us this info. They are a No Kill Pet Rescue Service so Please support them here:
Raw Feeding for Health-compromised Cats & Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV)
This video is part of our Pet Care Education Playlist and contains information on #RawFeeding for Health-compromised #Cats & #FelineImmunodeficiencyVirus (FIV) from Cornell University’s Feline Health Centre.
Thanks to Perth Rescue Angels (www.PerthRescueAngels.org) & WA Pet Project (www.WAPetProject.com.au) for providing these Valuable Resources to us.
Raw Feeding and Health-compromised (IBD, FIV+, etc.) Cats. by Cat Centric. From: https://catcentric.org/care-and-health/raw-feeding-and-health-compromised-ibd-fiv-etc-cats/
Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) by Cornell University Feline Health Center From: https://www.vet.cornell.edu/departments-centers-and-institutes/cornell-feline-health-center/health-information/feline-health-topics/feline-immunodeficiency-virus
Please Share this Video to help remove the Stigma surrounding FIV to help FIV+ Cats find forever homes.
Please Help Stop the Barbaric Killing of Dingoes in Australia
The Dingo is Australia’s Lion King, an Apex Predator that is essential for a balanced ecology in Australia. This video contains footage from an original interview from September 2013 and information about Aussie Canis Dingo Day, information about the facts and how to get involved to help stop the murder of the sacred totem.
Please go to: https://www.facebook.com/aussiecanisdingo/ Further Photographs and Information can be found here: https://jennyleeparker3.wixsite.com/aussie-canis-dingo For more information on Dingoes in Australia please visit http://www.wadingo.com
Every Voice Counts in this fight! https://www.leavingsugarmountain.com/please-help-stop-the-barbaric-killing-of-dingoes-in-australia/
WA Pet Project Adoption Day
This is a video to support the WA Pet Project Adoption Day and Fundraiser on 3rd October 2020.
The WA Pet Project is a Volunteer No Kill Rescue Service http://WAPetProject.com.au