How Long can Marshal McGowan and his hermit kingdom Stand?
How Long can Marshal McGowan and his hermit kingdom Stand? This is our third in a series of…
How Long can Marshal McGowan and his hermit kingdom Stand? This is our third in a series of…
Mark McGowan Lazy Lord of the Lockdown This is the second in our focus on the rising tide of…
WA Premier McGowan Living in a state of denial and disgust Want to know what is going on in…
The Forgotten Australians? This is another preparation video for the HIV and Ageing Forum and this time it…
Five Signs of Mind Control This is a reading with Commentary of the article “5 Signs Someone Is Using Mind…
WAAC HIV and Ageing Forum 2022 This is our first promotional video to support the WAAC HIV and Ageing…
Cost Shifting Pressures Patients and PHI This is a Leaving Sugar Mountain reading of an Article “State Government ‘cost-shifting’…
Ageism and Sexuality This is a reading of an article on Ageism and Sexuality from: The article highlights the…
Domestic Violence Awareness Day This is a video to commemorate LGBT Domestic Violence Awareness Day which was on the 28…
The Secret Gender Splitting Reversals This is video is a reading of the article “Secret Pact of Blasphemy” which outlines…